Description: This layer shows Letters of Map Change (LOMC's) for Henderson County in a single GIS layer. The following description of LOMC's is from FEMA defines LOMC's and the 3 types of LOMC's: "When a new or revised FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) panel becomes effective, it automatically supersedes previously issued LOMCs for the area covered by that panel, including Letters of Map Revision (LOMRs), Letters of Map Revision Based on Fill (LOMR-Fs) and Letters of Map Amendment (LOMAs) that have been issued for the property(ies) on the revised FIRM panel. LOMCs are documents issued by FEMA that revise or amend the flood hazard information shown on the FIRM without requiring the FIRM to be physically revised and re-published."
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Type, length: 10
, Coded Values:
[LOMA: Letter of Map Amendment]
, [LOMR: Letter of Map Revision]
, [LOMR-F: Letter of Map Revision Based on Fill]
Description: A feature class containing vector data was created using public input for over 3 years and updated when amended by the Henderson County Commissioners or to conduct topology edits by Henderson County Planning Department. The feature class consists of a boundary that borders the incorporated municipal boundaries of the towns, cities, and villages within Henderson County. The boundary concept was created by the Board of Commissioners during their review of the draft plan in 2023. The purpose of the boundary is to identify where the municipalities are expected to focus growth accommodation and continue to direct development for the next 20 years. The data is used by Internal Departments, Commissioners, and Public. Henderson County Planning Staff created the feature class in 2020 and adopted March 20th 2024. The feature class is for internal and public use.
Description: A feature class containing vector data set using set layers of base data from Henderson County North Carolina. Created by public input and the Henderson County Commissioners in 2024 The layer is updated when amended by the Henderson County Commissioners or to conduct topology edits by Henderson County Planning Department . The feature class represents an area intended to be served by utilities and other urban services by 2045. The original line also accounts for the existing services as well as the relative feasibility of sewer extension from sewer providers (City of Hendersonville, Metropolitan Sewerage District (MSD), Etowah, and proposed Edneyville). During plan adoption, the USA boundary was altered to no longer reflect current service areas. Areas with existing utilities have the potential to accommodate the majority of growth within the horizon of this plan. The data is used by Internal Departments, Commssioners, and Public) . Henderson County Planning Staff created the feature class in 2024.The feature class is for internal or public use.
Description: A feature class containing vector data set using set layers of base data from Henderson County North Carolina. Created using future land use data from the 2045 Comp Plan and updated when necessary by Henderson County Planning Department. The feature class was created as part of the 2045 Comp Plan process. The data is used by Internal Departments to update the Future Land Use Map in the 2045 Comp Plan. The data has been clipped using the Henderson County boundary per county border. Henderson County Planning Staff created the feature class in 2023. The feature class is for Internal Use.